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Unemployed LifeUnemployed Life

The first article of the Italian Constitution states: "Italy is a Democratic Republic founded on work". Having a rewarding job has recently become more of a rare privilege than an universal right. It has become the number one social problem in most European countries. Work is, indeed, a pillar for many other aspects of adult life. It is important to keep active and alert in the search for new possibilities of employment. This includes further and continuous education and fulfilling gaps in the education to become more competitive: language improvement, new or more advanced ICT tools, strengthening other aspects of our curriculum.

This module will focus on the search for alternative employment sectors, and other traditional jobs (e.g. ceramics, carpentry, tool making, agriculture, animal farming, etc...). The industrial revolution changed our conception of what a "real job" is. In fact, the definition of being competitive nowadays is very different from that of a couple of centuries ago. This fact has clearly taken us away from traditional trades, but not necessarily for the right reasons and with positive repercussions. In many occasions, and for some people, considering these "hobbies" seriously could be very useful alternative to reach a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Many people under social and financial pressure are not aware of this and could surely benefit from having more information and know-how.

In general, the goal is to search a source of inspiration and be creative when facing self-employment as a possible alternative. Working represents for every citizen the main route to securing for himself and his family, dignity, autonomy and respect. A life without work reduces a person to a state of poverty, both physical and mental. This is the reason that module III is so central to our project. Module III represents a main approach to support those who live deeply and intimately with problems of unemployment. This will be achieved through a series of practical and concrete recommendations and solutions, researching and sourcing new venues for employment, creating your own business, discovering support associations, or even identifying social networks and solidarity channels. Other alternatives will be sought and welcomed from all members of the consortium.