{youtube}6SU3cVWlYIM&list{/youtube}Message in a bottle. A sensibilization for recycling glass packages.
{youtube}M4P3DQ60mAc&list{/youtube}Deposit always your glass packages in the green recycling deposit.
A group of young activists believe that by having a different perspective on the town's attributes, small changes may also bring along significant achievements in urban development.
Share your jourey to work with colleagues. Save money and the environment.
{youtube}Tj06dvGxaDE&list=PLSWeBKYPMtzhNHccKO3OwjjkRuAKeoyE7{/youtube}Know portuguese sustainable production of olive oil
{youtube}OjchrqgeBtM&list=TLLTbwyoZ_8RCAPLIPuH3dEq9ByWRc1oq_{/youtube}Evolution of Recicling in Portugal
{youtube}N97DrV7H1vE{/youtube} In Évora a very special hotel has been built. It is an hotel made of cork, a very special material that can be used for several purpuses and it is resistent, ecological and waterproof. A very good example!
{youtube}FAMnbZpt8RY{/youtube}InovCity a new concept implemented in Évora about electricity. Smart cities are called this pilot cities where it is being tested this program
In the lat years brands have re-thought the format of their packages using "environment friendly" strategies. Know some ecodesign strategies that can be talked about in the portuguese package market.