Back Massage Therapy How to: Low Back Pain Relief Treatment, Cranio-Sacral Techniques
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A little solution for back pain by Ottavio De Clemente and Angela Savino, Professors of Reflexology, Master in Natural Medicines, Tor Vergata University
Chiqui, un niño de 8 años es empujado por su curiosidad para descubrir los animales que hay detrás unas extrañas sombras proyectadas en la pared de un oscuro callejón. Para ello tendrá que superar las prohibiciones y los miedos que le infunde su hermano mayor.
When 8-year-old Chiqui sees mysterious shadows projected in a dark backstreet, his curiosity pushes him to discover their origin. In order to catch sight of the creatures whose silhouettes he sees, he must first conquer the fears instilled in him by his older brother.