The present research want to respond to the most urgent needs in Cameroon in terms of health, communication and education. We are investigating behavi...
The prevention and communication campaign foreseen by the project aims in particular to raise the awareness and most importantly increase the knowle...
in this area is possible to consult our Data Base and request specifically results crossing information like gender, age, economically situation, re...
If you are interested in our data results and you want to write an article, please contact us and describe the information and the section you need, w...
Paolo Scoppola: AIDS, beyond the disease.
Here is possible to have an idea of the dimension of our project in Cameroun. 8 Regions, 32 cities, 40 villages for 2.850 people interviewed and mor...
The Archive of Memory is a non profit association that since May of 2002 supports its activities through the efforts of its members, to research fun...
Imagine yourself and your organization working in a developing country where, however, many problems, behavioral dinamics, cultural and traditional rules and many other elements reduce the impact and the success of your project; the problem is not your work or your enthusiasm... the problem is to understand the culture and the place where you are. AdM Cooperation work for this.