Here are some statistics from one of our partners for 2012
Assessment andprojects
U An interesting statistic on the public balance sheet and project is the ratio of men - women. Of the 37 students in 2012, 73% are women. As we will see later, this is specific to BP. Other sectors attract more men.
The audience is composed of 32% of Flémallois domiciled in the municipality.
The average age is 33 years. We are seeing a rejuvenation compared to last year, where the average age was 37 years.
The average vacancy entry into the program is 3 years. Certainly, in relation to the previous statistic is eight months less than the calculated average in 2011. However, it remains much. This is essential for the association to achieve a touch away from the public as long job market.
Changes in the number of trainees and training hours over the last five years is as follows:
BP |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Number of trainees |
36 |
37 |
37 |
37 |
37 |
Number of training hours |
6.563 |
7.001 |
6.478 |
6.197 |
6.718 |
After training, we stay in contact with students. We continue to guide and advise them. They are invited to send us the good news later in their socio-professional courses.
For both groupswhose training ended in 2012, so about 25 trainees, we are made aware of five employment (20%) and 6 people continued education or skills training (24%).
Radio :
In 2012, 71% of trainees radio training are men.
NoneFlémalle lives. 5 out of 24 students (21%) do not even reside in the territory of the Province of Liege.
The average age of candidates is 31 years.
When they come into training their average vacancy is 25 months, just over two years.
Since 2008, the following changes in the number of trainees and duration of training:
Radio |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Number of trainees |
24 |
23 |
23 |
23 |
24 |
Number of training hours |
6.740 |
7.631 |
8.525 |
8.751 |
7.999 |
Regarding the session that ended in June 2012, of the 10 students who started the calendar year, five have since then found employment (50%).
It is noted that for the next session, three dropped out before the 31/12/2012 for medical reasons.
Developer ofdigital media–inworld
65% oftrainees are inworld in 2012 men. In 2011, this proportion was 67% in 2010 and 70% in 2009, 78%. The mix of students is growing.
¼ trainees resides Flémalle. It is a statistic down compared to previous years.
The average age is 30 years. This is not the lowest average of all courses offered by the association.
The average vacancy entry into the program is 40 months, more than three years, a significant increase compared to previous years (27 months in 2012, 23 in 2011).
Thisis data that is obviously important for the accompaniment. The psychosocial care is generally more important and resocialization work requires more time and energy for people who have not worked for a long time.
The training is organized in September 2008. Here the evolution of the number of trainees and training hours:
InWorld |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Number of trainees |
10 |
24 |
20 |
21 |
20 |
Number of training hours |
3.193 |
7.496 |
6.996 |
6.340 |
6.889 |
At the end of the module, in 2012, 10% were employed and 20% were directly enrolled in skills training.
It's little. Clearly, this is the worst statistics in the field of all our training OISP.
It is clear that several factors are taken into account to understand this data.
The relative youth of this training is a factor. She has not yet made its way into the surrounding socio-economic space, unlike any other training offered by Outlook.
In addition, poor group dynamics, specific to the 2011-2012 session and explained above helped lessen the benefits later in the course of integration of trainees.
Therefore,we must be alert to interest students, organize the training.
Authorityshows -light and soundtechnician
It should be notedthat this is the only training organized in groups of 15 students.
In management, the proportion of men was 87% in 2012. He is training with the most unequal distribution of men and women in the association.
No student is residing in the municipality. Someone even came from the Province of Luxembourg.
The average age is 27 years, which is similar to other years, reading the previous progress reports. In Outlook, it is the training that attracts the younger crowd.
The average vacancy is 20 months, which does not make it the lowest among OISP training organized by the association, exceeded slightly by computer maintenance.
The last statistic shown is the evolution over the last five years the number of trainees and their hours of attendance in training.
Régie |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Number of trainees |
32 |
32 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
Number of training hours |
9.679 |
11.761 |
11.830 |
13.609 |
12.710 |
Regardingthe group has completed training in June 2012, 4 (27%) found a job since then and 2 (13%) have undertaken to continue their education or skills training.
Technicianoperatingandcomputer maintenance
Ninemen and three women make up the group in 2012, or proportions ¾ ¼.
Only 1 person (8%) is domiciled in Flémalle, confirming a downward trend seen in the 2011 version of our activity report.
On average, students are 31 years of age.
The last work or school occupation known date of only 13 months, which is particularly low. Bycons, given the low level of last degree, the public is well within the OISP as defined by the criteria Wallonia.
The evolution of the volume of hours of training and the number of trainees who attended training since 2008 is as follows:
Maintenance informatique |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Number of trainees |
12 |
12 |
12 |
13 |
12 |
Number of training hours |
8.992 |
8.228 |
7.910 |
7.946 |
10.202 |
In 2012, we welcomed 44 people in training.
Per module, they are distributed as follows:
Modules |
Participants |
Présence complète |
Ratio |
Module 1 (8h) |
43 |
35 |
81 % |
Module 2 (16h) |
41 |
31 |
76 % |
Module 3 (24h) |
32 |
14 |
44 % |
TOTAL (48h) |
44 |
12 |
27 % |