Emotions Emotions

21 good recommendations to make yourself happy

21 good recommendations to make yourself happy

By: Line Maria Sorensen

I have always worked with myself and my emotions and I have achieved a lot. Through my education to teach myself how to achieve a more happy and stabilized day, so I could go through the week and be happy with myself at the end. I follow my own little rules, and I thought I would share them with you.

1.       Stop thinking you have to be perfect all the time.
2.       Be happy and satisfied with what you have.
3.       Find and allow time for yourself.
4.       If you feel stress at the job, take a break.
5.       Avoid being alone too much.
6.       Live your life a little healthier.
7.       Be attentive to people around you.
8.       Help other people.
9.       Learn to live in the moment of now.
10.   Remember to laugh at least once a day.
11.   Come out in the sun.
12.   Shed a tear now and then.
13.   Eat a good dark chocolate.
14.   Push to your limits.
15.   Enjoy the little moments every time they happen.  
16.   Stop the comparisons.
17.   Put up meaningful goal for yourself.
18.   Take initiative on your workplace.
19.    Devote yourself to  good friends and family.
20.   Smile, even though you sometimes don’t mean it.
21.   Say thank you, to those who deserve it.